Everest is such a cuddly, sleepy newborn. She eats and sleeps and poops (A LOT!). Basically, she is doing a great job at being a newborn.
Everest had a little bout with jaundice, but after one day and two nights on the lights was all clear. Greatly assisted by her love of eating, she gained 5 oz in one day during this time, and if I had to guess, I would say she is already past her birth weight at one week.
She likes her binky, being cuddled, and laying on her tummy. She does not like diaper changes or clothing changes.
She is a little fussier at night, but generally sleeps pretty well swaddled in her bassinet. She is a trooper and has already had quite an adventurous life, with a trip to the park, the pool, a petting zoo and a couple other places.
She is definitely a cutie, and we are pretty excited to have her in our family.
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