
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Five Years Old

How to describe my silly Asher?

You are so much fun.  Sometimes I watch you and my heart just wants to burst with pride at how thoughtful and friendly you are, and other times, I just don't know what to do, as you try and push everyone's buttons.

Asher started preschool this year.  He likes to tell everyone he is in "first grade" and is rather confused that there are two grades BEFORE first grade; like, how does that make any sense?  He loves school, and doesn't like that he doesn't have school EVERY day.  I don't know much about what he does at school, other than what he has for snack every day, because thats all he will tell me about. He is already counting down the days until Kindergarten.

He is a quick learner, and astonishes me with how quickly he can memorize entire books.  His favorite books were The Pigeon Books by Mo Willems, but now they are Elephant and Piggie Books, also by Mo Willems.  We read several every night, occasionally with some Dr. Seuss, and There is a Monster at the End of this Book thrown in.  I love his love of reading.

Asher really loves his friends.  He likes to ask everyone what their name is and tell them "My name is Asher: A-S-H-E-R."  Every time we go to the park he will walk up and introduce himself to people until someone reciprocates and will play with him.  He doesn't get discouraged easily.  He loves to run and play chase or hide-and-seek most of all.

Asher likes to get a reaction out of people.  He will make silly faces, and get right in your face if you don't respond.  Sometimes he will push, just because, and often he will grab toys from Everest, just to make her yell at him.  Asher has a lot of mischief in his little body, and if he doesn't have space to run and explore, it escapes him in less than ideal ways sometimes.

Asher is very physical.  He doesn't play with toys as much as he likes to throw them.  He loves to run, jump, climb, and explore.  He likes to cuddle, and sit REALLY close to everyone.   He likes to touch EVERYTHING, and really enjoys playing with sensory things, like play-do and slime.  Asher has no concept of personal space, and will run and jump on anyone (something we are constantly trying to remind him not to do if he doesn't ask first, because he is a big kid, and can easily bowl over just about everyone.)

Asher loves music.  He is often found singing a song, will dance anywhere and is doing really well learning piano.

Asher really likes playing Minecraft and Fortnite with Ephraim.  He loves Sonic, the Hulk, Little Einstein's, Frozen, and Mickey Mouse.  His favorite colors are Green and Purple.

Asher loves animals, and wants to pet every dog he sees.

Asher is branching out with eating, although he still prefers meat to vegetables.  He will try a lot of things, but loves ice cream the best.

Asher has loved Sonic for a long time, and when a new Sonic movie was coming out so close to his birthday, he quickly settled on a movie birthday. He got to bring 4 friends to the movie, and couple other friends came along as well. Asher picked out his own cake and we ate it and sang Happy Birthday in the courtyard as soon as everyone came out from the movie. It ended up being a perfect birthday party. Very little work for me, and Asher loved it so much.

Happy Birthday Ash-man!  We love you so much!