
Monday, August 12, 2019

Back to School

It's schooltime!  Ephraim went off to second grade last week.  

He seemed a little more nervous this time, and was sad to see summer fun end.

Last week we had meet the teacher.  Ephraim's classrooms are right next door to his first grade classes, so that  was helpful is easing some of his nerves.  His teachers are Mrs. Garlutzo and Mr. Yao.  He was also excited to have his first ever boy teacher.

He liked his new shirt and told me it was "kind of funny."  He chose a Minecraft backpack this year.

He told me he wants to design video games or be a twitch streamer (a person who plays video games for a living) when he grows up (of course).

He is super excited to have Asher at his school, and he's going to do great this year, I just know it!

Monday, July 1, 2019

7 Years Old

Ephraim Alexander Beckman.  You are getting so big!

You are so smart.  You love numbers, math and problem solving.  You always have schemes and solutions to every problem in your head, and you are constantly thinking of new and better ways to do things.  Your favorite book is "non-fiction."

You love video games.  You are especially into Minecraft lately, although your love for all things Pokemon is still very strong.

You are active.  So far team sports aren't really your thing, but you love to run, climb, and play. You and Asher are constantly rough-housing.
You are creative.  You like to draw, make things with lego, and write little notes.

You are emotional.  You feel things very strongly.  When you like something, you REALLY like it, but when something makes you mad, it makes you VERY mad.  You are learning better coping skills all the time, and are overall a very good brother and friend.

You are still by far my pickiest eater.  Every meal is a battle.  Luckily, broccoli is still one of your favorite foods.

You love people.  You get so excited when you see someone you know, and always want to play with your friends.

You are also so loved.  Asher and Everest look up to you so much, and its been really fun to have you home for the summer.

For you birthday you got to go to PokeFest in Chicago.  It was a dream-come-true for you.

Although, that trip was in lieu of a birthday party, you still had a really fun birthday dinner with a lot of your favorite people there, and got spoiled, because you are so easy to spoil!

We love you Ephraim!  Happy Birthday!

Monday, May 20, 2019

2 Years Old

Oh my dear baby girl.  How can you be two?  I don't know if I can ever stop calling you baby girl!

You are so sweet.  You love to laugh, and snuggle.  You love singing and goodnight kisses.  If you hear music, you want to dance.  You get a little shy around new people, but quickly warm up and want to chat. You are the easiest sleeper.  You get excited to go to bed and get your binky and your babies, and never put up a fight.

You are loud!  You always have something to say and make sure you are heard.  You are smart because you know to yell, "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...." until I acknowledge you before you say something.  You are speaking in phrases and learning new words everyday.  It's such a fun age.  You love when you learn a new word for something, and practice them at every opportunity.

You are assertive.  You yell "MINE!" if someone looks at something you want, and "NO!" if you don't want to do something.  You also yell "STOP!" if someone is doing something you don't like (like singing a song, giving you kisses, or, in Moose's case, barking).

You love fries.  Probably a little too much.  You also love yogurt, crackers, strawberries, apples, and applesauce.  You will eat pretty much anything we are eating, except for green things.  Although, more recently you have been willing to eat broccoli.  Really, what you want to and will eat changes by the day, so it's difficult to say.

You are adventurous.  You want to keep up with your brothers and will mimic anything that they do (good or bad).  You love to climb, and pick up heavy things and comment on how "big" they are.  You love to explore new places and situations, and especially love being outside.  You love animals and point out every "bunny" and "birdy" you see.  You love your bike and your scooter, and jumping on the trampoline.

You love shoes.  You love all kinds of shoes, and trying on everyones shoes.  You like to have a "bow bow" in your hair, and love when your clothes have "fwowers" on them.

Happy 2nd birthday Everest!!

We sure love you a lot!  I'm so grateful you are in our family.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

4 Years Old

Asher Basher! You live up to your nickname more everyday. 

Asher has mellowed out a ton!  He still has an abundance of energy and loves to jump, run, and climb, but also has developed a side that loves to sit and listen and learn with his peers at storytime and gymnastics class.

Asher is a cuddler. He loves to touch people, and sit really close.  He loves to play with friends and doesn't have a shy bone in his body.  He wants to talk to and be friends with everyone.

Asher knows what he likes and doesn’t get discouraged if Ephraim tells him it’s for babies.  He loves the color green (and everything has to be green, or he says, “but it’s not my favorite color”).  He loves Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffins, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bo on the Go, and pretty much every cartoon.  

He loves to play ball, throw pretty much anything, climb pretty much anything, ride his scooter, jump on the trampoline, and play on his tablet. He is also my animal lover, and wants to pet all the animals.

Asher loves pancakes, bananas, eggs, and pretty much any meat. He’s a little trickier to get to eat his vegetables, but he’s getting better.

Asher is a good brother.  Sometimes he drives Ephraim a little crazy because he wants to do whatever he is doing, and sometimes Everest drives him a little crazy because she wants to do whatever he is doing, so it’s all come full circle.  But all around he is patient and helps me a lot with his little sister.

Asher is smart, and (no thanks to his mom) knows all his letters, and loves to count.  He is beyond excited for preschool in August.

For his Birthday Asher decided he would rather go to the zoo than have a party, and pretty much the only thing that Asher wanted for his birthday is pancakes for dinner and a chocolate cake. So that was easy to deliver! We had a fun family birthday with Asher.

We love you buddy!