
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

1 Month Old

One month with this sweet baby.  It's crazy how time flies once they are out of your body!

She is still a tiny little thing, but she is packing some chub onto that petite frame.  At 3 weeks she was already over 8 lbs and I am sure she has gained more than 2 pounds since birth.

She still sleeps a lot, which is great with all the running around that we do.  She eats a lot, especially at night after the boys go to bed.  She gets a little fussy at this time.  It's like she knows that they are going to bed and it's finally her time to demand attention.

She is a noisy baby.  She is always grumbling, grunting, and squeaking.  I think she is going to be a vocal one.

Everest loves bath time.  No matter how fussy she is, once she gets in that warm water she is totally relaxed!  She does not like getting out into the cold air.  She also does not like diaper changes or getting dressed.

Everest has started to give me little smiles occasionally when she is content.  She loves to be snuggled and talked to.

Everest does not like to be put down...ever.  Haha, if she is sleepy she will sleep contently wherever you put her, but if she is not sleepy, then she is not happy unless she is being cuddled.

Her brothers love her, and she loves when they talk to her and give her kisses. She is a little less sure about being held by them, and sometimes Asher's attention is a little boisterous, but we are working at that.  They are so in love with her, and I have a feeling that she is going to feel the same way as she gets bigger.

We love you Everest!


  1. I think Everest is having some great bonding time with everyone, especially Mom. So good...and very special.

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