
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Three Years Old

So I am about a month late, but better late than never.  Our sweet Everest is three!

Everest has so much personality.  She is extremely independent.  She loves to make who own decisions and be in control of her world.  If she is told no, or doesn't get to do what she wants, she will often cry like someone literally has broken her heart, but on the other hand, she can entertain herself quietly for hours, and that's why I call her my "angel baby."

Everest is obsessed with all things Frozen.  She loves to pretend to be Elsa, and her favorite about Elsa is that she gets to wear a cape.  Often she will say, "Me Elsa, You Anna!"  She especially loves the Frozen Soundtrack.  She calls the first Frozen, "Let it Go Frozen" and the second one "Water Horse Frozen."  I love to listen to her sing along and chatter about her favorite Frozen characters.

Everest still loves to try on shoes and socks and run around the house, and she is constantly putting on funny hats and costumes.  Often she will be found changing her dolls and barbies into various outfits.  

She loves cute little things, and will tell me how cute and tiny everything is.  One of my favorite things that she does is call all the bunnies around "bun buns."

She will color for hours, and really loves to stick stickers everywhere.  She draws little smiley faces and stick figures everywhere (mostly on paper, but a few on the tile and couch), and they are seriously adorable.

If she sees a rock, she is compelled to climb it.  She loves to climb, swing, and slide.  She holds her own when jumping on the trampoline with the boys.  She runs this funny little run where she swings one arm with all your might.

Everest likes to "watch a show."  Frozen, of course, is a favorite, but she's also super into Dino Dana,  and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She doesn't do many other electronics, but occasionally Stephen lets her watch PBS kids on his work phone (which is an I phone).  She thinks this is her phone, and occasionally tells me "Lost it, my apple phone" when she sees the boys doing electronics and doesn't have her own.

Everest loves to eat just about everything, and especially loves to dip things. She will eat the spiciest salsa forever just because she gets to dip chips in it.

She is getting so big, but she likes to tell me "I'm baby Everest," if I ever tell her how big she is getting.  You often crawl around pretending to be a cat, and love to come have kitty snuggles with mom.  Sometimes you snuggle and pretend to sleep and think that is very hilarious.

She is learning how to play with her brothers.  She especially loves to play chase with Asher, and will yell, "Asher, come get me!!" to get him to play with her.

She is developing a sense of humor.  If she thinks she is being funny she laughs this hilarious forced laugh.  She really loves knock knock jokes, but she doesn't quite get that there is a punchline.  It goes like this:
E- "Knock knock"
-"Who's There"
E- "(Something you see)"
- "(Something you see) who?"
E- (laughs) or "Eat (something you see) num num num!"

She has a good memory and talks about things that happened in the past sometimes.  I get surprised by the things she can remember.  One of her favorite things to remember is how she fell and hit her head while we were hiking earlier this year. "Get owie, going on a hike. Go to the doctor."  She will randomly say this whenever she remembers, and also reiterate that this is why she needs to hold hands when we are hiking.

Everest was so excited about her birthday. She really understood what was happening, and kept talking about your presents and "water horse cake."  She was on top of the world!

We are so happy to have you in our family!


  1. Everest is a rare and wonderful person. She knows how to enjoy and love her family.

  2. Hey Elsa...I mean Everest. You are so adorable. You bring such joy. I love it when I get to hear you sing!!!
