
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First Day of Preschool

My first baby is a preschooler!!

He is seriously the sweetest boy!  Always full of snuggles, hugs, and kisses.  He tells everyone how he loves them and will talk to anyone! He is sensitive and gets sad when he thinks about how he misses people who aren't nearby, and gets so excited to see his friends and family.

He has a mind of his own.  When he decides he wants something, he goes for it, regardless of what anyone says.  His independence is a blessing and a curse!  He can be the best helper, and the biggest trouble-maker.

He is seriously silly.  He always wants to laugh, and loves to make people laugh.  His sense of humor consists mostly of making silly faces, and inserting the word "poop" randomly into sentences.

Ephraim LOVES pokemon and transformers.  He still enjoys cars, and animals as well. He tells me he wants to be a donut-maker when he grows up.

He was a little nervous to go to school because he would miss his mommy.  He was excited to pack up all his stuff and didn't look back once we got there.  Ephraim had a great time at school. He told me he did an obstacle course and learned about "criss-cross applesauce."

Ephraim's preschool is a creative arts preschool at 3-D Dance.  Ephraim's teachers are Suzy Simpson, and Megan Mohammadi.  He will be learning movement, tumbling, dance, and theater arts in addition to normal preschool activities!  I'm so excited for him, and he is going to do great!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

18 Months

Asher turned 18 months on Saturday.  

Asher loves loves loves being able to walk!  He still waddles while he walks, and it is adorable.  He is fast.  He can climb on anything and is trying so hard to figure out how to jump.  He hates holding anyone's hand when he is walking.  He wants to be independent.

His favorite activity is probably swimming.  Pools, splash pads, bath time; Asher looooves water!

Asher is my animal lover.  We went to the petting zoo last week and he loved feeding and touching all the animals.  He chases Moose all around the house, and hasn't met a dog he didn't love.

Asher loves Ephraim.  He copies everything he does and follows him around.  He's a little rough sometimes, but they really are just the cutest buddies.  Ephraim always explains things to Asher and tries to teach him new words.

Asher doesn't talk much.  He signs "water" for both food and water, and signs "all done."  His most consistent word is, "Da" for Dad.  He is very good at communicating through gestures and sounds though.  He recently started shaking his head, but instead of meaning "no" he means "yes" which is confusing and adorable.

Asher knows what he wants and is very vocal about it.  He throws little tantrums when he doesn't get his way, but they never last long.

Asher still LOVES to eat, but is a little pickier now.  Whatever he doesn't want gets thrown on the floor.

You are content to sit in the stroller or high chair for quite awhile, which is great because sometimes I just need you to stay in one spot for a minute.

I love you my little Asher Basher.  I'm so excited to keep watching you grow!