You are so sweet. You love to laugh, and snuggle. You love singing and goodnight kisses. If you hear music, you want to dance. You get a little shy around new people, but quickly warm up and want to chat. You are the easiest sleeper. You get excited to go to bed and get your binky and your babies, and never put up a fight.
You are assertive. You yell "MINE!" if someone looks at something you want, and "NO!" if you don't want to do something. You also yell "STOP!" if someone is doing something you don't like (like singing a song, giving you kisses, or, in Moose's case, barking).
You love fries. Probably a little too much. You also love yogurt, crackers, strawberries, apples, and applesauce. You will eat pretty much anything we are eating, except for green things. Although, more recently you have been willing to eat broccoli. Really, what you want to and will eat changes by the day, so it's difficult to say.
You are adventurous. You want to keep up with your brothers and will mimic anything that they do (good or bad). You love to climb, and pick up heavy things and comment on how "big" they are. You love to explore new places and situations, and especially love being outside. You love animals and point out every "bunny" and "birdy" you see. You love your bike and your scooter, and jumping on the trampoline.
You love shoes. You love all kinds of shoes, and trying on everyones shoes. You like to have a "bow bow" in your hair, and love when your clothes have "fwowers" on them.
Happy 2nd birthday Everest!!
We sure love you a lot! I'm so grateful you are in our family.