Everest Rose Beckman, what a sweet 3 month old you are.
Your very favorite thing is when anyone sits and talks to you. You smile with your whole face and sometimes you talk back with little "ah"s and "goos". Sometimes you will be fussy and someone will talk to you and you will smile and fuss at the same time because you can't resist smiling at someone who talks to you.
You have discovered chewing on your hands and it's hilarious how you try to stuff your whole hand in your mouth.
You still sleep a lot, and have started sleeping through the night a lot. It's pretty awesome.
You are growing. You fit in your three month clothing pretty perfectly now, and just have the perfect little baby body. Your tummy is perfectly round, and your thighs and arms have the most perfect little rolls. I can't resist kissing your cheeks! I think your eyes are starting to turn brown.
You still don't like the car much, but you don't scream the instant you are put in your car seat anymore, and that has done wonders for mamas sanity when we go places. When you are hungry, tired, or cold, you let everyone know, but you are generally pretty easy to cheer up when you are sad.
You are so aware of everything around you now, and can entertain yourself for awhile just looking at your surroundings. Going outside is your favorite.
You love tummy time and are getting super strong. Which is fun for you. You have rolled over from your belly to your back once, but generally you don't try because you are super content on your tummy.
We all love you so much. Ephraim is so happy that you smile at him when he talks to you, and Asher just loves to kiss you and squish your cheeks.
So excited to see you keep growing!