It's hard to believe how fast these babies grow up! Asher Basher is two years old!
He is a happy, curious little man. He always looking for mischief.
Some of his favorite things to do include sneaking into the backyard out of the dog door, throwing balls (and everything else), running away from mom or dad while laughing hysterically, playing matching/sorting games on his tablet, playing in a bubble bath, playing with bubbles in general, exploring nature (pick up rocks, leaves, sticks, etc.), and wrestling with Daddy and Ephraim.
Asher loves Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse, Puffin Rock, Pokemon and Batman. His favorite songs are Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Popcorn Popping.
Asher is a love-bug. He loves to cuddle and give kisses to his mom, dad, and Ephraim. He wants to do everything Ephraim is doing, and Ephraim is a very kind and patient older brother. It's so much fun to watch them play together as Asher grows. Recently Asher has started climbing into Ephraim's bed and they sleep together every night.
Asher is slowly but surely starting to talk. He is very creative in using a combination of gestures, pointing, and words to communicate. Some of his favorite words include mama, dada, no, lou(d) (accompanied by covering his ears), dah-ter (water), bubb-o (bubbles), mo (more), peez (please), dow (cow), moooo, and ba-ma (batman). He knows a lot of animal sounds, and is getting better at following directions. I'm pretty excited about how much his language is growing.
Asher adds such a fun energy to our family. Ephraim loves being his big brother, and we all love the laughter he brings. He keeps us busy and on our toes as he tries to get into EVERYTHING, but it's all worth it!
Happy Birthday Cutie Asher! We love you!